Help us get to know you better. Please indicate what area of the arena ministry team you are interested in and any experience you may have. Experience is not required for most positions.
Our goal is to train up volunteers to have the experience to fill any position in the arena. We will not, however, place any volunteer who is inexperienced in any position where there is a danger of injury or high responsibility such as the Head Gate, nor will we place a volunteer in a position where they are physically incapable of performing the job.
You will be added to our communication list to receive text and email updates about upcoming opportunities. We look forward to connecting with you!
Barrel Races - We try to have 2 barrel setters on each barrel. Re-sets knocked over barrels (no experience required). Sign up for 3-hours shifts.
Team Roping - It takes 8-10 volunteer team members /per shift/ to run a team roping. Positions may include moving cattle up in a chute, feed cattle into the chute, remove ropes from roped cattle, and moving cattle (on horseback) from stripping pen back to the pens behind the chute and headgate. Shifts are typically 5 hours.
General event support - does not involve working with animals. May include greeting guests, volunteer check-in, keeping trash picked up and the concessions area clean, etc.
Note: All volunteer team members must complete a basic background check and sign a waiver indicating your understanding and acceptance of the inherent risks of working with farm animals/equine activities.